Merry Christmas


Home >Examination


As per CBSE board rules


Promotion to higher class depends upon:


a)         Regularity in attendance (minimum 80%)

b)         Quality of day-to-day participation in class.

c)         Written work and projects assigned by the subject teacher.

d)         Satisfactory performance at the class tests.

e)         The minimum mark required for pass for subjects out of 100 is 40 and for subjects out of 50 is 20. 

f)         The Progress Report of Half Yearly will be shown to the guardians in the school only. During that time the guardians get an opportunity to talk to the class teacher concerned. However, guardians of classes IX and X should meet their wards teachers a minimum of four times in a year.


Home Works and Assignments

  1. Home work is any assignment given by the teacher to be done at home; it may include writing, reading, memorizing, drawing etc.
  2. Every student is expected to do the Home Work regularly; it is the sign of a good student.
  3. Those who have not done their homework will not be allowed to sit in the class.
  4. It is the duty of the guardians to make sure that the students do the home work.
  5. If a student is found to be not doing the homework regularly a warning will be issued to the student through the guardian and after a total of such three warnings in an academic session in any subject the student will be issued Transfer Certificate.
  6. Silly reasons like headache and visits to relative’s house and any kind of functions will not be considered as valuable reasons for not doing the homework.


Hand writing & use of pen, pencil etc.

  1. Every student is expected to submit a page of Hand Writing as instructed from the school.
  2. If any student doesn’t submit the Hand writing than the student should write 5 pages minimum while submitting the same Hand Writing copy the next time.
  3. All classes the Hand Writing is to be done with pencil only.
  4. If there is no improvement in the Hand writing of a student it is to be brought to the notice of the guardian and Principal by the teacher concerned.
  5. The Hand-writing copies are submitted to the teachers and given back to the students by the class leaders and the defaulters names are given to the Class Teacher by the leaders.
  6. Students of K.G-I to class-II are allowed to use only pencil for writing.
  7. Students of Class-III to Class- VII are allowed to use only ink-pens or gel pens and not ball pens.
  8. The students are allowed to write the notes only in black and blue colours.
  9. Students are not allowed to use red or green colour pens, blade, knife, correction ink and calculator in the school.
  10. Students are not allowed to use in the school geometry box, scales and note books with mathematic equations and formulas.   
The School academic year commences in April and ends in March.

School Timing

School timing:

07.45 A.M. to 1.30 P.M.

On Saturdays School timing:
07.45 A.M. to 1.30 P.M.

These timings are subject to change whenever necessary; it may not always be possible to intimate the change in advance.

Office Hours

The Principal’s office hours are from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. The School office hours are from 08.15 A.M. to 1.30 P.M.